
In 2021, 3Search partnered with Beam, an innovative crowdfunding platform designed to help homeless people in London and Greater Manchester regain their independence through career opportunities.

How it works...


  • Each person crowdfunding on the platform is referred to Beam from a homeless charity or local council.
  • Beam provides each referred person with a dedicated support specialist who supports them throughout their journey into their new career. 
  • The support specialist conducts basic security checks to ensure the referred person is mentally and physically ready to enter full-time employment.
  • A tailored career plan is developed, building on their individual strengths, interests, and plans.
We're incredibly proud to have donated
Over £66,000

And helped over 800 people in to work and a stable home

Our partnership with Beam

For every placement made with 3Search, we give a gift card to employers to donate to Beam and make a difference in a homeless person’s life. This means that whenever you use our digital and marketing recruitment services, you will be supporting homeless individuals take control of their futures.   

We also hold fundraisers outside of our regular donations to continue our support for Beam.  

To find out more about our partnership with Beam, check out our monthly updates and read some of the success stories we’ve been a part of.  

You can also keep track of our work with Beam any time on our business page

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