Property Businesses - How To Digitise Your Marketing

10 mins

Property companies, such as real estate agencies, are often seen as traditional and even arc...


Property companies, such as real estate agencies, are often seen as traditional and even archaic in their how they operate.

This means that the potential improvements to their marketing tend to involve making more effective use of digital solutions to help build their online presence.

But these solutions extend deeper into a company’s marketing approach, showing innovation and tech-awareness – and yours should be no different.

Embracing changes will be a key step for you to introduce new and innovative marketing strategies to your property business. So here are the ways to do it.


Industry Experience

Like I’ve mentioned above, many property companies undervalue the role that digital marketing can have, while other industries have been quick to embrace it.

So who are the frontrunners?

Retail, hospitality, and health & fitness have been really quick to use websites, digital advertisements and hone their SEO skills to build a powerful online presence.

This means that some top professionals have been generated in these fields – which might seem odd to you when making your digital marketing hires.

But you’d do well to use the expertise of these professionals. At the end of the day, marketing experience is useful, no matter what has been marketed.

So, aim to stay open-minded and embrace advice from industries who have ‘been there’.


Streamline your hiring process

Long-winded hiring routines can be found in any industry, but the property sector is a common perpetrator.

Traditional interview processes are at the root of this once again, meaning there hasn’t been much innovation seen across individual interview stages or the overall hiring structure itself.

This often results in a drawn-out process with too many long stages.

So how do you streamline this?

A good way is to cut down your interview tasks where you can – in property, these often utilise a whole presentation based on a brief.

Instead of this, you could have the candidate just run through the brief itself, rather than crafting an elaborate slideshow, which will result in a much quicker turnaround and therefore a quicker process.

Efficiency is key!


Sell, Sell, Sell

Your hiring process should be used to attract candidates as much as vetting them for their skills, so try to sell the role.

The ways to draw candidates to a lucrative position at your company have changed. It’s not just about salary anymore – instead, you’ll see people examining culture and work schedule.

So how do you draw in the digital talent?

Reflecting a flexible schedule could be a great start. Property has always been relatively traditional with their working times, so showing you don’t fit this stereotype will reflect your company as being modern and employee centric.

You should effectively aim to ‘convince’ the candidate about the role to some extent. Rather than just grilling them on their marketing skills or property know-how, give a bit back – advertise why it’s such an important role and the benefits they’ll see.

Interviews are a two-way street.

It’s ideas like this that will help create a modern and innovative company image to go in-hand with a better digital marketing presence.

But selecting the right talent to build this presence can still be a challenge – and here at 3Search, we can help.

We’re experts in recruiting top marketing professionals for top businesses; so get in touch with our property marketing specialist Charlotte at  for more info.





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