Jasmin Eastwood


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  • Date Joined 08/24/2022 13:45:40
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Hi, I’m Jasmin Eastwood, I’m a manager here at 3Search and I lead our Performance, Digital and Growth recruitment team.

Working with a number of consumer-facing businesses, I recruit for mid to senior level positions, from Manager all the way up to Director.

One key area for my team are brands within the retail, direct-to-consumer and subscription spaces, and I have helped a number of start-ups in this space build their marketing teams from scratch.


“I am now developing my own recruitment team to support even more businesses.”

I first started at 3Search in 2017 as one of their first graduate hires. In this time, I have built my expertise in Performance, Digital and Growth Marketing and have recruited top talent into a number of household names.

As the demand for marketing talent in these spaces continues to grow, I am now developing my own recruitment team to support even more businesses in hiring top talent in Performance marketing.

We’ve never seen the market so competitive for this talent. With the increased demand for this skillset, we’ve seen candidates go off the market in under a week and salaries elevate significantly.

If you’re looking to hire this skillset at the moment, we would recommend paying market rate or above and running a fast and slick recruitment process to secure the best talent on the market.


Get in touch to discuss your Performance, Digital and Growth Marketing requirements and find out how I can help transform your team.

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