Liz Hopkins


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  • Date Joined 08/24/2022 13:45:41
  • Team

Hi, my name is Liz Hopkins and I’m a Director here at 3Search.

I oversee our recruitment teams in...

  • Contract & Interim
  • Communications
  • Consumer

Personally, I recruit for permanent and interim senior roles in the consumer world, specialising in marketing, digital and brand roles across the industry.

3Search’s consumer team partners with a range of consumer-facing companies, such as FMCG, retail, publishing, travel, leisure, and entertainment.

“My job is all about adding value.”

My favourite part of being a recruiter is becoming an employer’s true partner and being wholly trusted to add value to their marketing teams.

Having studied marketing, worked in marketing and recruited for marketing roles since 2003, I have a lot of insight and experience to offer employers. It’s always wonderful to see my advice being taken on board and used in their recruitment processes. It always makes me feel that I have added value to the business.

For me, that is what my job is all about. Whether this is for my clients and candidates or for my team.

If you’re currently hiring, make sure you’re being decisive about moving on talent. The market is moving so quickly that if you’re not decisive...

A)     You'll lose people because they’ve found another job

B)     They’ll lose interest because you haven’t kept them engaged

 If you’re looking to start your hiring process, get in touch to discuss your requirements and find out more about how my team and I can help.

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