Michael Judkins


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  • Date Joined 08/24/2022 13:45:41
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Hi, my name is Michael Judkins and I am a Director here at 3Search.

I manage, develop and oversee our function of digital specialist recruiters who have become experts in the marketing skillsets that they recruit for. Our team covers...

Building this specialist function is the reason that I joined 3Search in 2016. Having worked in marketing recruitment for several years and being exposed to each of these channels, I recognised that more could be done to support businesses looking to hire these skillsets. I could see that generalist marketing recruiters were not providing the right level of customer service.

Employers need access to better connected, more knowledgeable recruiters and I am proud to say that this is what we have created here at 3Search.

I continue to assist the team with senior digital hires across each of our specialties.

“I couldn’t do this job if I didn’t think I was helping people.”

My main motivator in my career has always been about helping people solve their problems. Whether this is helping people develop their careers or make an addition to their business, I find it really gratifying to make a difference in somebody’s life.

The same can be said about my role as a manager. It's been rewarding to see my team progress in their careers, developing from graduate recruitment consultants into market leading specialists.

 Alongside leading the specialist digital team, I am also responsible for managing our client relationships. Adding value to a business through recruitment has always been my favourite part of the job. So, I am really excited to be able to do more in this position, taking our relationships beyond recruitment. 

Charity and giving back has always been important to me, so when I heard about Beam and why Alex Stephany founded the charity, I knew it was the perfect charity partner for our business. Through crowdfunding Beam is able to provide new career opportunities for homeless men and women. They provide them with a support network and the tools they need to regain control of their lives.

 We’re in an industry where it is easy for us to take for work for granted. Finding a job is easy to us because we do it every day, but in reality, access to work is limited for many people. While we can’t find jobs for everyone who needs them, we can give back where possible. Through Beam we’re able to make a difference in a disadvantaged community who have less opportunities to chat to a recruiter or gain access to a job board.

 Whenever one of our recruiters places a candidate with a business, we donate £50 to the charity on the employer’s behalf.

So far, we have raised over £30,000 for the charity and made a difference in over 350 people’s lives.

 If you need assistance hiring across Performance Marketing, Customer Marketing, Social & Content or Data and Analytics, get in touch. Or if you’re looking to learn more about some of the work we do at 3Search, I'd love to chat with you.


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