3Search's work with Beam: April Update

10 mins

We’ve been working with crowding platform Beam to support homeless people across the country...

We’ve been working with crowding platform Beam to support homeless people across the country as they look for stable work.

Through donations we’ve made every time we place a candidate in a new role, we’ve been able to make a real difference during our partnership with Beam.

Here’s a look back on the amazing things we’ve accomplished with Beam across the last month.

Our impact

In April, we’ve managed to have a great impact on several people, as the placements we’ve made have allowed us to donate generously to Beam – coming to a total of £1,650!

Sammy, Kathleen and Leonard are just three of the individuals who we’ve received donations from us in the last month, helping them to get back on their feet.

This is part of an ongoing relationship we have with Beam that we are constantly nurturing and love to see grow – so we’re delighted to announce that we’ve helped a total of 335 people since its beginning!

It’s a fantastic number that we’re incredibly proud of – and we want to thank our clients for making use of their gift cards, as well as our team for the hard work they do to make this possible.

We’re delighted to have the opportunity to help homeless people and give back to our community. To see just how much of an impact these donations have, here are some of the stories from people that 3Search has supported in April.

Sammy’s Story

Amidst such a high-pressure environment, Sammy had to fight tooth-and-nail to retain his career as a chef in the high-end restaurant industry.

After taking a risk on a new job opportunity that unfortunately fell through – Sammy was left unemployed and living in accommodation supported by the YMCA and local council.

Thanks to contributions to his Beam campaign, though, he’s managed to retrain and secure a job in construction – one step closer to getting back on his feet!

Kathleen’s Story

Kathleen was left struggling emotionally and financially after a difficult breakup. This included problems with paying rent, and in a huge blow to her confidence, providing for her children.

In spite of support from her council and children’s services, Kathleen still didn’t feel entirely safe and secure.

Thankfully, she’s since had help from 3Search, Beam, and generous donators in achieving her goal to work as a carer – a role that Kathleen believes is a perfect fit for her empathetic nature.

Leonard’s Story

With his wife still waiting for proper documentation to enter the country, Leonard was left raising his five children on his own while looking for work.

While he was able to utilise his 10 years of telecoms experience and secure a new role, he was still grappling with access to limited funds and was living out of temporary accommodation.

With the help of generous donations through Beam, Leonard was able to cover an array of essential costs such as travel and work uniforms.

A huge thank you to our clients for redeeming their gift cards and helping to bring these donations to those who really need them.


3Search is an award-winning UK recruitment consultancy, specialising in recruiting marketing experts for the digital age. Whether you’re seeking new talent or looking for your next career move, we can help. Learn more at www.3search.co.uk

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