How 3Search Have Been Working To Tackle Homelessness

10 mins

In March 2021, 3Search announced it was partnering with Beam, an incredible crowdfunding pla...

In March 2021, 3Search announced it was partnering with Beam, an incredible crowdfunding platform that’s dedicated to helping homeless people regain their independence.

Through public donations, Beam helps homeless people find stable employment, creating bespoke career plans that revolve around each individual’s skills and goals.

We believe that everyone should have the chance to work and make a living. So, for the last year, we’ve supported Beam and donated a gift card to our clients every time we place a candidate with them. This allows them to choose who receives the money on Beam and follow their journey.

Now, one year on, we’re looking back on a year of supporting this amazing cause and the people whose lives have been changed by it. 

Our impact

We’re really proud of the difference we’ve made during our partnership with Beam so far. Over the last year, 3Search has supported 268 homeless people – from homeless people to refugees – who have all found it challenging to begin stable work.

We’ve been able to contribute £20,900 (and counting!) to these individuals, a number we can’t wait to take to new heights as we grow our business and place more people in new roles.

On top of this, Michael Judkins (Judders) set out to make a massive difference of his own, completing a 125km run over 2 days in September to raise funds. Judders has been a huge advocate for Beam within the business, so it’s no surprise he drew in an amazing £2,130 in donations (and totally smashed the 125km).

However, we didn’t want this reflection to simply be a list of numbers, so read on for stories from some of the individuals we’ve helped.

Ace’s Story

An injury and a sequence of unfortunate events in 2012 left Ace struggling to find new work. Despite his diverse and refined tech skillset, circumstances beyond his control limited his access to qualifications and different job markets.

For starters, without a smartphone or a laptop, applying to jobs online effectively became impossible (which many of us will know is a cornerstone of today’s job hunt).

Combined with COVID restrictions, which shut down public libraries, Ace struggled to make use of the wide pool of digital jobs on offer in the modern world, which were a pandemic-proof fit for his computer expertise.

With the help of Beam, 3Search and members of the public, however, Ace has been able to overcome this technology barrier, securing a fantastic new job in security for Apple.

We’re delighted for him and hope that he’s enjoying his new role!

Georgia’s Story

Living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), mental health has always been important to Georgia. This meant it became a motivation as well as a challenge in her pursuit to work as a professional carer.

Looking after her grandad for two years during a battle with terminal illness, Georgia was facing some really difficult obstacles. As formative as they were, they ultimately led her into a tricky financial situation by the age of 18.

Georgia never gave up on her goals to be a carer, even after dropping out of school and living in assisted accommodation – and with assistance from Beam, 3Search and 70 other kind strangers, she was able to get back on her feet, gaining work in the field that she knew was right for her.

Even at such a such young age, Georgia was able to find fulfilling and inspiring work – we’re incredibly proud that we were able to make a difference.

Looking to the future

Working with Beam is an incredible chance for 3Search to give back to the community, and we’re committed to making a difference.

It has been nothing short of inspiring to see how a platform can bring people together with the simple goal of helping others, something we feel strongly aligns with our company’s own values.

As we expand our business, we’ll only be able to contribute more to Beam, strengthening the impact we can make on those less fortunate than us.

Celebrating this landmark in our partnership, we want to encourage you to make your own contributions (which you can do here). With the transparency that Beam offers, you’ll really be able to see the difference you’re making on the lives of homeless people.

We’re so proud of the work we’ve done with Beam, and we can’t wait to take it into another year!


3Search is an award-winning UK recruitment consultancy, specialising in recruiting marketing experts for the digital age. Whether you’re seeking new talent or looking for your next career move, we can help. Learn more at

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