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We all want the best, but what does ‘the best’ really mean?What we mean by that is, how do y...
We all want the best, but what does ‘the best’ really mean?
What we mean by that is, how do you differentiate between ‘good’ and ‘great’?
Your people are important, they are the company. You don’t necessarily want to just hire the person with the best University degree or the most experience, you need to consider that person as a whole and what you want them to bring to the company.
You’ve undoubtedly heard the phrase ‘think outside the box’, meaning to look at things from a different perspective, in a more creative way.
But why should you adopt it when hiring? How will it benefit you?
Generally speaking, a hiring manager is looking for a specific industry background or level of knowledge. So will often only really consider people with their desired attributes.
The issue here is you are keeping your hiring pool small, potentially missing out on hires who possess great, transferable skills and outperform their rivals.
Unfortunately, these people are often overlooked because their experience doesn’t tick specific boxes.
So, what actually are the positives of thinking outside the box?
A larger pool of clients, a varied workforce, quicker process and better personality fit… just to name a few.
Look beyond qualifications and experience to look for culture fit and the bigger picture.
Just because you hire someone who is ‘smarter’, doesn’t make you any less valuable or useful in the company. You should always be hiring people who have skills or experience in areas that you don’t have. Otherwise, how do you expect the company to grow and evolve?
So, next time you sit down to sieve through CVs, think about this Steve Jobs quote:
“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so that they can tell us what to do. It’s pretty self-explanatory really, hire people who can learn from you as much as you can learn from them.
Don’t panic, we’re not telling you to hire someone who has miles more experience and who can do your job right now better than you. But we are telling you to hire someone who has immense potential, who, yes, might be able to replace you in the future (once the time is right.)"
Easier said than done, right?
How does one think outside the box when hiring? Take a risk, try something new!
Just because someone doesn’t tick all your boxes, whether this be education or concrete knowledge, doesn’t mean they’re not worth giving a chance. Similarly, just because someone comes across as the ‘perfect’ candidate on their resume, doesn’t mean they possess what you actually need.
Still struggling? Arguably it’s even harder to find someone who doesn’t necessarily tick all your boxes on paper but makes you realise there are other things that are actually more important to you – because it’s not so black and white.
Our advice? Work with us!
We make sure we know exactly what all our clients want and we find people who fit your vision. Our reviews really do speak for themselves (feel free to check them out, we are understandably very proud).
3Search is an award-winning UK recruitment consultancy, specialising in recruiting marketing experts for the digital age. Whether you’re seeking new talent or looking for your next career move, we can help. Learn more at www.3search.co.uk